250 ml
USE: Pour into the tank with the vehicle stationary and off.
1. Add directly to the diesel fuel in the tank in the optimal dose of one bottle every 60 liters of fuel before filling up.
2. Repeat the treatment as many times as the vehicle is expected to be used under stress.
BENEFITS: Increases the cetane number by 3-5 degrees, cleaning the combustion chamber and improving engine efficiency.
1. M267 has a concentrated formula that increases the cetane number by 3-5 points and cleans the combustion chamber. On the one hand, therefore, the cetane number of the diesel fuel to which it is added increases, on the other hand, cleaning the combustion chambers of the cylinder head decreases the cetane demand of the engine under load, thus providing a double advantage.
2. M267 is excellent for vehicles towing caravans, horse trailers, transport carts for boats, boats, motorcycles, etc. Suitable for campers, equipped commercial vans, mobile sales counters, etc. Especially for mountain driving and full load use.
3. It can also make a valuable contribution to the sporting use of cars, motorcycles and boating.
4. Does not damage catalytic converters.
5. Helps clean the intake manifold and prevent corrosion of the fuel system. Its use can be repeated frequently without problems.
6. M267 truly does what its label says, unlike cheaper products which only have modest effects.
7. M267 does not contain methyl alcohol (methanol) as other cetane enhancers do, as methanol does not give much cetane number gain and can, as a solvent of some rubbers and plastics, cause problems to components of the cetane system. motor power supply.
M267 is also delivered in packs of 12 bottles of 250ml each.